2021 Recap: Blicker's Most Exciting Moments!

January 6, 2022

Blicker at Enlit 2021
And just like that, we finished another year - it went by so fast! And even during another year of COVID19, there were many highlights to look back on.

Empowered new businesses across the world

Last year we empowered a number of new business with the Blicker solution! We found new partnerships all over the world. From the UK to India and from Germany to the Philippines, companies have adopted the Blicker solution into their daily operations and have already greatly cut down on operational costs.


In 2021, the NMi (Dutch Measurements Institute) certified the Blicker solution at 99.79% accuracy on high confidence readings!

Enlit 2021 in Milan

In November and December, we visited Milan to host a stand at Enlit 2021 (prev. European Utility Week). We caught up on existing relationships, met new likeminded people and closed new partnerships.

All-time highs & records

2021 for us was a year where we passed the 40 million meter readings milestone! An important one: we did over 41 million readings in 2021 alone. And the numbers keep on growing! On our busiest days, we process over a million meter readings per day.

We are looking forward to an exciting year in 2022!

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